Charter Chapter 3 Form of Government

Section 7. COUNCIL. The council is composed of a mayor and four councilors elected from the city at large.

Section 8. COUNCILORS. The councilors shall be elected for four years.  Two councilors shall be elected at each biennial general election.  Each councilor shall hold office until his or her successor is elected and qualified.

Section 9. MAYOR. At each biennial general election a mayor shall be elected for a term of two years and shall hold office until his or her successor is elected and qualified.

Section 10. OTHER OFFICERS. Additional officers of the City may be appointed and removed by the council as it deems necessary.

Section 11. SALARIES. The mayor and councilors may receive no pay for their services and the compensation of other officers and employees shall be fixed by the council.

Section 12. QUALIFICATIONS OF OFFICERS. No person is eligible for an elective office of this city unless at the time of the officer's election, the officer is a qualified elector within the meaning of the state constitution, is a resident of the City, and has been a resident of the City during the 12 months immediately preceding the election.  The council is the final judge of the qualifications and election of its own members.