Charter Chapter 6 City Administrator


  1. The city council may appoint a city administrator and fix his or her compensation and conditions of employment.
  2. If the office of city administrator becomes vacant, the mayor may appoint a city administrator pro tem.  The pro tem administrator shall have all functions of the city administrator.  The term of office of a pro tem administrator ends when a city administrator takes office.
  3. Political consideration and solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications.
  4. The city administrator and such other officers as the council designates may sit with the council but have no vote therein.  The city administrator may take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the council.


  1. The City Administrator shall:
    1. Prepare the annual budget;
    2. Make all purchases;
    3. Oversee enforcement of all ordinances;
    4. Act as business agent for the council for the sale of real estate and other matters relating to franchises, leases, and other business and property transactions;
    5. Prepare and furnish all reports requested by the council;
    6. Perform such other duties as the council directs.
  2. The duties of all administrative employees shall be assigned to them by the city administrator, and they shall be responsible and accountable to the administrator.
  3. The powers herein granted to the city administrator are exclusive.
  4. The city administrator may be removed by the council with or without cause at any time.