Charter Chapter 7 Elections

Section 22. NOTICE.  The officer in charge of city elections shall give ten days' public notice of each city election.  The notice shall be submitted at the elections, and the time and place for the election.

Section 23. REGULATION OF ELECTIONS.  Except as this charter provides otherwise and as the council provides otherwise by ordinance relating to elections, the general laws of the state shall apply to all nominations for an elective city office, the conduct of city elections, recounts of the returns therefrom and contests therefore.

Section 24. VOTES.  The person receiving the greatest number of the votes cast for any of the candidates for the office at the election at which the office is filled is elected to that office.  In the event of a tie vote, the successful candidate shall be determined by a public drawing of lots in a manner prescribed by the council.

Section 25. CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION.  After the votes at any municipal election have been canvassed, the city officer in charge of administering elections shall issue a certificate of election to each person declared by the canvassers to have been elected at the election.  The certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.

Section 26. OATH OF AFFIRMATION OF OFFICE.  Before entering upon the duties of their offices, all elected officers, the city administrator, municipal judge and all department heads shall take an oath or shall affirm as follows:  "I, _______, do solemnly swear that I will support the constitution and laws of the United States and of Oregon, that I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully perform the duties of _______ during my continuance therein, so help me God."  If the person affirms, instead of the last clause of the oath, there shall be stated: "And this I do affirm under the pains and penalties of perjury."

Section 27. TERMS.  The term of office of a person elected at a regular city election commences on the first Monday in January following the election.