Charter Chapter 8 Vacancies In Office

Section 28. An office becomes vacant upon the incumbent's death, removal from office, resignation or ceasing to possess the qualifications necessary for office.  An elective office becomes vacant whenever its incumbent is absent from the city for a period of thirty days or fails to attend two consecutive regular meetings of the council without the prior consent of the council and upon a declaration by the council of the vacancy.

Section 29. FILLING OF VACANCIES.  The council shall fill a vacancy in any elective city office by appointment within ninety days after the vacancy occurs.  A majority vote of the council is required to validate the appointment.  The appointee's term of office begins immediately upon the appointment and expires when the term of the person whose office has become vacant would have expired had that person continued in office.  During the temporary disability of any office or an officer's temporary absence from the city for any cause, the office may be filled pro tem in the manner provided for filling vacancies in office permanently.