Charter Chapter 9 Ordinances

Section 30. ENACTING CLAUSE.  The enacting clause of all ordinances hereafter enacted shall be "The City of Drain ordains as follows."

Section 31. ADOPTION.

  1. Except as subsection (3) of this section provides for reading by title or bill number only, and except as subsection (2) of this section provides for immediate adoption of emergency measures, an ordinance, before being finally adopted, shall be fully and distinctly read in open council meeting on two days.
  2. Except as subsection (3) of this section provides for reading by title or bill number only, an ordinance necessary to meet an emergency may, upon being read in full and then by title, be adopted at a single meeting of the council by unanimous vote of all councilors present.
  3. Any reading of an ordinance for purposes of adoption may be by title or bill number only:
    1. If no councilor present at the meeting requests that the ordinance be read in full, or
    2. If for one week prior to the reading a copy of the ordinance is provided each councilor and copies are available for public inspection at the office of the mayor or city administrator during regular office hours and notice of their availability is posted at city hall or published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
  4. An ordinance adopted after being read by title or bill number only has no legal effect if it differs substantially from its terms as they stand when so read, unless each section incorporating such a difference, as finally amended prior to being adopted by the council, is fully and distinctly read in open council meeting.

Section 32. MAYOR'S SIGNATURE.  Upon the adoption of an ordinance by the council, the mayor shall sign the ordinance and indicate the date of his or her signature.

Section 33. WHEN ORDINANCE TAKES EFFECT.  An ordinance adopted by the council takes effect on the 30th day after its adoption by the council and signing by the mayor, unless it is necessary to have immediate effect for the preservation of the peace, health, safety and welfare of the city, in which event it takes effect immediately upon its adoption by the council and signing by the mayor.  An ordinance may provide a later time for it to take effect.