Boards and Commitees

The City Council is the only City elected board within the City of Drain. They appoint the member of the other boards. Two of those boards are required by Charter and State Law. Those two boards are the Planning Commission and the Budget Committee. 

The Planning Commission acts as a citizen advisory body that informs and guides long-range and current planning policies and decisions. In certain cases, it provides recommendations to the City Council while acting of its own accord in others.

The Budget Committee at a minimum must meet each spring to review the budget proposed by the City Administer. The meetings are open to the public and input from the public is received at the meetings. At a typical Budget Committee meeting, city staff presents financial overviews, highlights changes in programs and costs, and provides information on the City's long term fiscal outlook.

Budget Committee members can question city staff on financial, programs, and operational matters. The members can suggest and vote on amendments to the proposed budget. The proposed budget as amended by the committee changes is known as the Approved Budget.

The Civic Center Committee and the Cemetery Committee are advisory boards that meet every other month to review matters concerning the two cemeteries in Drain and the Civic Center. They advise the City Council on actions taken, suggest possible actions in the future and review the day to day management of the Civic Center and/or cemetery.